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2:00am? Okay.

I’m remembering when I was training over a month ago, our mentor said, “If a Racer is having a panic attack in the middle of the night, you’ll stay up. If someone is throwing up, … Read more about 2:00am? Okay.

Why do I care?

I was sitting with one of my instructors this past semester and said, “Okay… I understand the textbook ideas, but why does it matter?” She laughed and said, “I appreciate you … Read more about Why do I care?

A Few Thoughts.

While on the field, during the past two months, I grew in a lot of ways as an individual. From learning to room with seven other girls to speaking broken Spanish to a stranger, I am beyond grateful to … Read more about A Few Thoughts.

Walk Slow.

Last week, my sweet Holy Spirit filled teammate Jala which I call “Mackie” was walking in front of me. We were on the way home from the beach and headed back to our base. While we were … Read more about Walk Slow.

A Note from Me

  "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field" (v.44).     … Read more about A Note from Me