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I always held the assumption that to be pulled by the ocean waves meant one is weak. I wanted to be the one that could stand against a current, but not just stand, swim. 


However, the beaches of Costa Rica are strong. Although stunningly beautiful, they are also immensely powerful. 


While swimming, a man who works the local surf board shop, will always meet my team at the shore whenever the current begins to take us in the direction of his shop. He will either wave, shout, or come out to sea and meet us and say, “You can’t swim here, the current will take you out further and it will become extremely dangerous.” 


In that moment, my team has a choice, listen to a local who is on the sand every day and is warning us about the power of the waves. However, we can simply ignore him, continue swimming, and possibly encounter danger. 


Sometimes, I choose to ignore it, not the kind man dressed in colorful swim trunks telling us to come to shore, but I ignore voices with just as much power and authority, if not more. I choose to ignore the Holy Spirit, my squad leader, or even teammates.


Sure, they aren’t telling me to avoid the current on the northern side of the beach, but rather, they are warning me about other waves that if not seen, avoided, and distanced from, they will take me under. Waves of anxiety, despair, and doubt will take me under.


Yet, I don’t view their voice similar to the man’s voice on the Costa Rican Sand. I don’t say, “Thank you” and eagerly swim toward shore and move as far away from the current as I can. Most often, metaphorically speaking, I continue to swim headfirst into the problem, anxiety, or doubt without anyone, anything, or any advice. I want to be stronger than the waves and push against any current.


A teammate of mine, who I call my personal navigator, will always kindly share how she sees me. Some days, she will encourage me by saying, “You’re doing great. You’re heading away from the current, you’re conquering the waves, and you’re doing amazing.” However, other days like today, she will calmly turn to me and say, “You’re a degree off. I know it doesn’t feel like much, but if you ignore it now, you’ll end up way further than you planned to be. You’re not weak for feeling the power of the waves, You’re human. You can’t allow yourself to be pulled into a dangerous current,”


The truth is the crashing waves are just that… crashing waves. We don’t get to avoid them completely, manage them, or control them. Similar to the beach, they keep coming whether we are under water with water in our nose or on top surfing like a pro. Yet, with time and Wisdom from the Holy Spirit and His community, we won’t see the waves as intimating, deadly, or life threatening, we’ll see the waves as opportunities to grow stronger, celebrate true beauty, and have fun.


Keep your head up, your eyes open, and listen to the man at the surf board shop, chances are, you might be unintentionally drifting into a dangerous current.

7 responses to “The Crashing Waves”

  1. Man, I should have read this this morning when I got up…my attitude was more than a degree off and I spent all morning fighting it. I haven’t had regular time in the Word this last week because we were all sick and when I finally sat down and read my bible this afternoon I could literally feel my perspective and attitude changing, being corrected by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for reminding me that sometimes big things start with being just a degree off, but God never stops sending us warning signals to correct our path. I’m so, so glad to hear you have a teammate who is so loving as to point that out to you!

  2. Go Ellie! Jesus continue to bless you and’s lead you on this amazing journey. Loved reading you’re thoughts!